The 2013 NFL Big 5: Week 11

Are the Giants ready to roll again, and who wins in Ohio?

The new NFL week is here and with it comes chaos. Fortunately, Maxim is here to help you navigate these uncharted waters with five predictions that will undoubtedly (or just maybe) come true.

(Photo: Chris Szagola / CSA / Landov | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2013)

Big Upset – Baltimore over Chicago

Baltimore showed a lot of heart to ride out the Hail Mary pass and having to go on defense first in overtime last week, and still split the uprights (followed by busting out the Oooohh, Kill ‘em dance). This week, they travel to a Josh McCown-led Chicago team, and will try to ride that wave. Josh McCown has been pretty competent this season, so it won’t be a roll-over for Baltimore, but the lack of Charles Tillman should leave enough room for the Ravens to sneak in and keep their playoff shot alive.

Big Performance – Andre Brown

After a 10 game preseason, it seems like the Giants train is (somewhat) righted in New Jersey, and it was all about the running game. The revolving door of a backfield looked its best against Oakland last week when the bruising, but not-totally-effective soybeaner Peyton Hillis was balanced out by the 2013 regular season debut of Andre Brown. If the line can give Eli just a bit of breathing room, Brown should be able to parlay that into some space and another good performance against GB.

Big Flop – Andy Dalton

In their first meeting, the Browns were able to keep Dalton and co. out of the end zone all game, and Marvin Lewis certainly doesn’t want a repeat of that. Unfortunately, it’s not up to him. Joe Haden was able to cover A.J. Green one-on-one and will likely get the shot again, while the running game of Gio Bernard is stifled by the Browns D line. But the Browns’ secret weapon isn’t even on the Browns: they’ll likely be boosted by the shitty recent play of Andy Dalton.

Big Storyline – Who’s a Fraud?

The Colts were hung up to dry last week by the Rams in fairly humiliating fashion, and their lack of a running game is starting to stink to high heaven. San Francisco was also unable to do much against a fun Panthers team with Vernon Davis. But the question this week has to be: Is the Chiefs’ 9-0 weaker than those two 6-3s? Peyton, on one gimpy ankle, is out to prove that it is.

Big Stinker – Minnesota at Seattle

With only two lines this week of more than a touchdown, there aren’t too many lopsided games this week, but you are definitely some sort of masochist if you watch Seattle trounce the sad, sad Vikings on Sunday afternoon.  

Check out 6 Athletes Who Should Quit Their Day Jobs and The 2013 NFL Big 5: Week 10
