Going Viral

Feel like crap? Take a (kinda gross) trip into your body to find out why.

Feel like crap? Take a (kinda gross) trip into your body to find out why.

This is the time of year most of us are stocking up on Sudafed like some two-bit meth cookers. But did you ever wonder what, exactly, is going on in that snotty, coughing, diarrhea-y body of yours? Find out when the Discovery Channel uses the latest in imaging and CGI technology to show us how, exactly, a human cell fights a killer virus. And in the meantime, check out these gnarly pics.

Discovery Channel / BBC | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

A virus wrestles with the receptors at the entrance to a nuclear pore (not to be confused with the Hulk Hogan sex tape).

Discovery Channel / BBC | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

Clathrin proteins gather around an incoming vesicle that has been endocytosed at the surface of the cell. Or something.

Discovery Channel / BBC | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

An army of viruses flee a dying cell. They must be French!

“Battlefield Cell” airs Sunday, November 4th, on the Discovery Channel’s Curiosity series.

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