Sally Field & Julia Roberts Play Kimmel’s Celebrity Curse-Off, And It Is Amazing

You haven’t lived until you’ve heard Mama Gump say “c**ksucker.”

Turns out America’s sweetheart Julia Roberts is in fact pretty sweet after all…especially compared to former flying nun Sally Field. Last night, Jimmy Kimmel introduced a new JKL segment in which the two Hollywood veterans competed in a curse-off, with the actress who managed to spit out the most profanity declared the winner.

Roberts admittedly got some good ones in there, including “c**ksucker” and “s**t for brains,” but Field really brought it home with gems like “c**nt” and “t**t.” By the end of the game, the Pretty Woman had clearly fallen short, resorting to lame curses like “butthole” and “rusty trombone.” Kimmel awarded Field a giant soap on a rope…though we think she may have cheated – check her out at 3:19. Oh, Sally!
