10 Best Tweets About the “True Detective” Season Finale
We’ll always be partial to the scene where Rust says, “L’chaim, fatass,” because obviously.
The main lesson from #TrueDetective is to always suspect the big dude with scars on his mouth mowing a maze in an abandoned school lawn.
— The Sklar Brothers (@SklarBrothers) March 10, 2014
#truedetective would work better if they had it more where they lived across the hall from each other like Friends. Then you get conflict.
— Colin Quinn (@iamcolinquinn) March 9, 2014
Oh. It all makes sense after the big reveal of the time-traveling Rust Cohle from 10yrs in the future. #TrueDetective
— Ken Plume (@KenPlume) March 10, 2014
Really enjoyed the season finale of "True Bromance." #TrueDetective
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) March 10, 2014
What's that? You have questions about the men who painted my house 20 years ago? Well sure, here's a description! #TrueDetective
— Myles Hewette (@MyleswithaY) March 10, 2014
If #TrueDetective has taught me one thing it's that the south is a horrible place where you will be murdered.
— Tyler Rogers (@TheRealTDanger) March 10, 2014
I just hope Hart & Cohle spare the super-crafty redneck whose job it was to just sit around & make creepy bundles of sticks. #TrueDetective
— Dan Ewen Ⓥ (@VaguelyFunnyDan) March 10, 2014
Photos by Michele K. Short / HBO