The 5 Worst Types Of Valentine’s Day Facebook Updates

We get it, you’re in love, horny, or bitter. You can stop sharing now.

We get it, you’re in love, horny, or bitter. You can stop sharing now.

Facebook is a wonderful tool for many things – stalking exes; letting future employers know that you like to take your pants off whenever you’ve had more than three beers; stalking other exes, etc. – but around this time of year, it’s made unbearable thanks to the following types of compulsive over-sharers.

5. The Just-Been-Dumped

4. The So-In-Love-That-You-Couldn’t-Possibly-Even-Believe-It-Like-No-One-Has-Ever-Been-This-In-Love-Like-EVER-You Guyyyys

3. The Conspiracy Theorist 

2. The Failing Celebrity Marriage

1. The Liar

Social Media Explained (With High School Stereotypes)

Girls in Red
