You Need to See These Incredible Alternative Movie Posters

Dare we say we like some of them better than the originals?

Think of your favorite movie — then, think of the movie poster. Chances are you had a Godfather or Animal House one taped to your dorm room wall. Maybe you’ve even upgraded to a non-beer-stained, framed print in your home now that you’re some sort of adult. Every movie poster is an iconic way to showcase the spirit of the film it’s made for, a piece of memorabilia that captures the essence of the whole production.

Matthew Chojnacki has pulled together work from over 100 emerging artists in the impressive compendium, Alternative Movie Posters II: More Film Art From the Underground. Out on December 4th (Schiffer), the book contains reimaginings of movie posters from dozens of classic films, like The Shining, Rear Window, and Taxi Driver. Click through to check out a few that we may even like more than the original. And if Alternative Movie Posters II isn’t enough to satiate you, there’s also 2013’s Alternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the Underground. Your coffee table will thank you.
