Axl Shows!

GN’R’s legendarily unreliable frontman turned up on Kimmel last night for his first live TV interview in 20 years.

GN’R’s legendarily unreliable frontman turned up on Kimmel last night for his first live TV interview in 20 years.

Here’s five things we learned about our favorite rock star.

1. Remember the opening to the video for “Welcome to the Jungle,” where a gutter punk Axl shows up in LA like some sort of heavy metal vagabond?  That wasn’t far from the truth. According to Rose, he hitchhiked out to Hollywood when he was 19, meeting all sorts of unsavory sorts. The main lesson: “When I wore the codpiece I’d get a ride a lot quicker.”

2. It sounds like Axl, against all logic, was a pretty good boss. Back in the pre-fame days, Rose was the manager of Tower Video on Sunset Boulevard, and employed lots of his other Sunset Strip buddies. Unfortunately it didn’t last too long. “I let everybody have beers,” Rose confessed. “But we had a great time for a while.”

3. Dude really loves Halloween. This shouldn’t be that much of a surprise given the number of people who dressed up as Axl for the holiday (confession: I was Axl when I was 10. And again when I was 28.) Rose even celebrates with a Halloween Tree, which is frankly an awesome idea.

4.  The corn rows are no more. When Kimmel asked if Axl if he saved his ill-conceived corn rows from the nineties, the singer was frankly horrified by the suggestion. That was the correct response.

5. The guy who named his last album Chinese Democracy doesn’t vote. But if he did, he’d vote for Obama (who, as it happened, was the guest last night of Kimmel’s nemesis, Jay Leno).

All told, Axl was actually a pretty great guest, which makes us wonder why he doesn’t do this more often. So Axl, how’d you like to be Maxim‘s Icon next month? Call us!

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