Aziz Ansari Clowns Aaron Rodgers For COVID Vaccine Comments In Netflix Comedy Special

“He’s a football player! He read some articles, he got skeptical, he did some research…Are you stunned he came to the wrong conclusion?”

Aaron Rodgers‘ controversial COVID-19 takes are topical fodder for comedian Aziz Ansari in the trailer for his new Netflix standup special, Nightclub Comedian.

The clip opens with Ansari inquiring into the crowds’ thoughts on the COVID vaccine-averse Green Bay Packers quarterback. One responds, “Fuck that guy,” giving Ansari a segue into semi-sympathetic material on the 38-year-old QB.

“People hate that guy! They’re like, ‘He’s a fucking idiot!’” Ansari said. “It’s like, ‘Alright, calm down! He’s a football player! He read some articles, he got skeptical, he did some research… Are you stunned he came to the wrong conclusion?”

(Left: Getty Images, Right: YouTube/Netflix Is A Joke)

Rodgers was widely criticized when he tested positive for COVID-19 after claiming he was “immunized” against the virus. It was found that he had followed a vaccine-less protocol that was rejected by the NFL.

He also questioned the vaccine’s efficacy and implied that ivermectin isn’t being used in treatment because it’s not financially lucrative (experts currently have insufficient evidence to recommend its use in COVID-19 patients.)

“This poor guy!” Ansari continued. “It’s like we’re all in high school and we’re making fun of the quarterback for doing bad on the science test. ‘You’re a dummy, Aaron! You’re a dummy! You don’t know anything, do you? You’re a dumb-dumb!’ This guy makes a living getting hit in the head! Can we cut him a break?”

Rodgers may not want a break. He recently discussed his outspoken disposition in an interview with NFL Network’s Kay Adams that was recorded before the Packers’ were kicked out of the playoffs by the San Francisco 49ers.

“For a long time I think I was a little more of an enigma because I was quiet about my personal life and I think at some point you just stop giving a fuck about being quiet and say ‘enough is enough,’” Rodgers said per the New York Post.

“I’m going to use my platforms to speak more candidly and set the record straight on things that need to be straightened out. It’s just caring about the things that are important and my narrative is important.”

After Rodgers’ disappointing Divisional Round loss, he made his weekly appearance on The Pat McAfee podcast and described how people who are typically indifferent towards the Packers’ success rooted against the team because of his vaccination status.

“There was a ton of people tuning in, rooting against us for one reason and one reason only — it’s because of my vaccination status,” Rodgers told McAfee. 

“Wanting to see us lose so they can pile on, enjoy and revel in the fact that my vaccination status was some sort of reason why we haven’t had success in the playoffs.”

“I realize that I’ve been divisive this season by my vaccination status and by my willingness to talk about it — to talk about the research that I’ve done and my own opinions — I take accountability for that.”

As they say, that’s life in the NFL.
