Linebacker Bart Scott Went to Ridiculous Lengths to Avoid Signing With the Browns

Admit it, you would have done the same. 

Picking on the Cleveland Browns is so easy that it’s almost mean. That’s why I won’t say anything about the team’s decades of ineptitude, its remarkable ability to pick back-up quarterbacks early in the NFL draft, or the similarities between the team’s name and poop. Instead, I’ll just let longtime Ravens and Jets linebacker Bart Scott explain how he hid in a bathroom just so he wouldn’t have sign with the Cleveland Browns. 

Bart Scott reveals he hid in a bathroom to avoid signing with the Browns

— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) December 3, 2015

That story comes tantalizing close to being funny. It tip-toes right up to the edge of funny, gets wobbly for a moment, but ends up, like all stories about the Browns, being a total bummer. 

On the other hand, this video is way funny.

Photos by Rob Tringali / Getty Images
