“The Ben Show” is Coming to Comedy Central
The redundantly named (but hilarious looking) The Ben Show with Ben Hoffman is almost here.
The redundantly named (but hilarious looking) The Ben Show with Ben Hoffman is almost here.
Photo Courtesy of Danny Feld / Comedy Central
You might not have heard of comedian Ben Hoffman, but chances are you’ve guffawed at his work. He’s appeared on Arrested Development, The New Girl, and “Drunk History,” and was a correspondent on the short-lived but well-loved Sports Show with Norm Macdonald. Now he’s got his very own showdebuting next week on Comedy Central. What is it, you ask? (OK, maybe you didn’t ask.) Well, it’s a sketch show/man-on-the-street hybrid in which Hoffman works towards a personal goal—whether it’s forming a band, going on a blind date, or buying a gun—within each episode. It might sound a little confusing, but check out this clip of one of the sketches, “Yobitchuaries,” and you’ll understand why we’re so excited.
The Ben Show with Ben Hoffman premieres Thursday, February 28th on Comedy Central.
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Throwback Thursday: October 2000