The Best Burns From Every Comedy Central Roast

In which we celebrate one of our least respectful national traditions.

On Sunday, Americans will gather around their televisions to watch a public figure (played by Justin Bieber) get mercilessly insulted and humiliated. This is nothing new, but it is something pretty great. From 1974 to 1984, Dean Martin hosted a beloved, albeit much tamer, version than what we’re used to today. Then, in 1998, Comedy Central started airing the Friar’s Club annual roasts. The channel began producing their own in 2003. In every iteration, the celebrity roast has been about taking people down a peg and deflating the egos of entertainers successful enough to wonder if all men truly are created equal. The egos have gotten bigger over the years and the jokes have gotten considerably harsher.

Click through for the best burns from every Comedy Central Roast.

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