Host Bill Hader Brings Back ‘Stefon’ For a Hysterical Instant Classic SNL

“If you’re Irish or just white and violent, I have the St. Paddy’s place for you.”

Bill Hader was a Saturday Night Live cast member for eight years, and in that time he established himself as a star player. He could handle any character writers threw his way, but his all-time great was Stefon, a Weekend Update party guide. 

Hader hosted the show for the second time Saturday, so naturally Stefon came back as well. Hader broke character several times as he cracked up, but no one watching minded—this was perhaps one of the funniest Stefon monologues ever.   

Sure, SNL‘s trademark is probably political comedy, and that doesn’t appeal to everyone. The show is sometimes at its best when it just gets weird. 

In yet another sketch where none of the cast could keep a straight face, Bill Hader played Cecily Strong’s bizarrely oversexed elderly husband. Part of the fun was watching everyone attempting to conceal the fact they were on the verge of losing it.

A majority of the show was better than average to classic material. A digital short showcasing great celebrity imitations was especially fun. It featured ridiculous 1992 auditions by various celebrities for roles in Jurassic Park

Most were not well-qualified.

The next live SNL is on April 7 and will be hosted by Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman. 
