These Erotic Pics From a Swiss Photographer Will Blow Your Mind



(Photo: Bruno Bisang)

Many top photographers come to their calling via a combination of curiosity, exploration, and luck that turns a hobby into a career. There’s no plan, and the route to a life behind the lens is circuitous. Not so for Bruno Bisang.

(Photo: Bruno Bisang)

Born and raised in a picturesque small town in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland, Bisang attended photography school in Zurich. He then landed an apprenticeship before becoming a freelancer in 1979. “I was inspired by the Italian films of the ’50s,” he says. “One day I just said to myself, Let’s go and try.”

(Photo: Bruno Bisang)

What followed was four decades of fruitful work in genres spanning beauty and fashion to automotive and portraits. Now in his mid-60s, Bisang has shot for magazines including Cosmopolitan and Photo and for brands such as Chanel, Givenchy, Ford, and Triumph. He has established a reputation as someone capable of sculpting any photographic project. But he’s best known for his portraits of models. “I like to work across a larger spectrum, but I’m faithful to images of sensuality…I love to photograph women.”

(Photo: Bruno Bisang)

Though he has worked with some of the industry’s most celebrated models, Bisang is just as comfortable with unknown or up-and-coming subjects. “I have an image in my head [before the shoot], but I also allow space for improvisation,” he says. “I cultivate a set with relaxed music and an intimate atmosphere.”

Crucial to capturing a memorable image is a partnership and trust between photographer and model. “I believe respect for the model is everything, so I try to involve the model in the shoot as a partner,” Bisang says. He feels this not only puts the subject at ease but makes it easier for him to balance the need for sexuality with a desire to avoid gratuitous or objectifying images.

Bisang has spent nearly 40 years working his way to the top of his industry. But for a man with a plan, he takes a rather laissez-faire attitude toward his future subjects. “I have no idea,” he confesses. “I just follow what my inner voice says to me.”

(Photo: Bruno Bisang)

Explore more of his best work, below.

Follow Bruno Bisang on Instagram for more of his sultriest shots.
