Churchill Downs Trying to Recoup Wes Welker’s Derby Winnings

Maybe the Broncos wide receiver should not have been so generous.

Wes Welker walked out of the Kentucky Derby a richer man – by some accounts up to $100,000 richer – and he decided to share the wealth and hand out hundred dollar bills from his stack of winnings oh his way out of the track (probably because, as it turns out, he was already SUPER rich before this). Turns out his flaunting might have caught the eye of the track, and could cost the racehorse-owner a bit of scratch.

Churchill Downs is claiming that they overpaid Welker, or a guy in his entourage (sketccccchy), by more than 14 grand. And like anyone who gave a multi-millionaire more money than they deserve (looking at you, Tennessee), they want it back. The rules are unclear about how much legal precedent there is for Welker to pay back the money, but it’s clear that saying “pretty please” isn’t going to cut it. In response to being asked about the request, Welker said, “Yeah, get in line.”

Imagine what the fallout is going to be when we find out it’s actually Roger Goodell on the other side of the letters, trying to discreetly fine Welker for doing something fun. 

Photos by Stephen J. Cohen / WireImage
