‘The Sopranos’ Creator Says He Hasn’t Ruled Out Making a Prequel Series

Just imagine how badass a young Tony Soprano would be…

Cast of The Sopranos

With the success of Breaking Bad prequel Better Call Saul and recent news that Game of Thrones will have a number of prequels, it seems clear that creators of prestige television have caught onto a logical and—for them—profitable way to extend the life of a drama without forcing it. David Chase, creator of The Sopranos, sees the value in prequels as well.

In an interview with EW marking the 10th anniversary of the legendary and mysterious Sopranos finale, Chase repeated his aversion to rebooting the show, telling the magazine that he “wouldn’t want to see that happen, no,” in part because “Everybody’s getting older, you can’t match people anymore.” 

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From the final episode of The Sopranos

Then he admitted something surprising. “I could conceive of maybe a prequel of The Sopranos,” he told EW. In fact, Chase indicated he couldn’t conceive of the show coming back “except as a prequel.”


Okay, to a degree this could simply be the writer and showrunner thinking out loud, but in 2016 Chase admitted to Deadline that he’d “had conversations with some movie studios that want to do [a Sopranos prequel] as a film.”

“So far I’ve rejected the idea,” Chase continued, “but I certainly wouldn’t do it as a television show. I’m always disinclined to say, ‘No I’ll never do it.'”

That a Sopranos prequel is still bubbling up in Chase’s mind as a possibility over a year later seems promising, but who knows? If the famously mysterious final scene of his great mob drama told us anything, it was that he really likes to fuck with us. 

We’ll believe it when we see it.  

