The Daily Heat Index: Bryan Cranston and Jimmy Fallon Go to Great Heights in Mid-Air Soap Opera

Plus, Rami Malek gets a leading role, and we read about the unfortunate mishaps of a Subway employee.

Here’s a daily dose of what’s heating up the internet:

Don’t Look Down

Bryan Cranston, patron saint of drug dealers everywhere, took his dramatic abilities to new heights on the Late Show with Jimmy Fallon Monday night. Performing in “Suspended Suspense,” the pair over-acted in a mid-air soap opera sketch that really makes you wish they’d written Fallon into a guest episode of Breaking Bad. Let’s hope that’s some strong rope.

Mr. Robot Hits it Big

Rami Malek is taking his talents to the big screen with his first big lead role. The Mr. Robot  actor will shift from supporting to star in Buster Mal’s Heart, an independent thriller directed by Sarah Adina Smith. As reported by the Hollywood Reporters, the film will follow Malek “on the run from authorities who survives the winter by breaking into empty vacation homes. He’s haunted by a recurring dream of being lost at sea only to discover that the dream is real: He is one man in two bodies. This is the story of how he split in two.” Sounds twisted as fuck. We’re in. 

Photo: USA Network

Fresh No More

After Subway employee Karlee Daubeney got stuck in the restaurant’s fridge, she wrote “Help Me” in ketchup on a piece of cardboard, hoping that someone might see it. Shockingly, the brilliant plan didn’t work out and she couldn’t get out until the next morning at 7:30. And now she’s suing. Surprisingly, this did not happen in Florida.

Photo: Getty Images

Photos by NBC

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