Demi Lovato Shares Unedited Bikini Photo to Promote Body Positivity

The singer rocks bikini pics of her “raw, real” self as rumors swirl that she’s dating “Bachelorette” star Mike Johnson.

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Demi Lovato shared a sizzling unedited photo from her Bora Bora vacation that shows off her bikini body in its “raw” and “real” state.

The “Sorry Not Sorry” singer donned a leopard-print two-piece, blacked-out shades and a pouty gaze as she flaunted her curvaceous backside—cellulite and all.

“This is my biggest fear. A photo of me in a bikini unedited. And guess what, it’s CELLULIT!” Lovato captioned the post. 

“I’m just literally so tired of being ashamed of my body, editing it (yes the other bikini pics were edited – and I hate that I did that but it’s the truth) so that others think I’m THEIR idea of what beautiful is, but it’s just not me.”

One of the comments on her first raw, un-shopped pic was from Mike Johnson, star of The Bachelorette. His flirtatious comment read, “Look at me like that again … Love yaself.”

Johnson has denied having a thing with Lovato, claiming they just flirt online, but People recently reported that something’s definitely going on.

We assume where edited pics are concerned, the pop star is referencing these photos, which do indeed appear to be slightly retouched to remove visible cellulite.

Lovato added that she’s ready to begin a “new chapter” in life, free of the intense pressures of show business. 

“It’s such a great feeling to be back in TV/film while not stressing myself with a strenuous workout schedule before 14 hour days,” she continued, “or depriving myself from a real birthday cake…because I was miserable on some crazy diet shit.”

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“Anyway, here’s me, RAW, REAL! And I love me. And you should love you too!” 

Lovato also teased new music—she’s headed to the studio to record an “anthem,”—before declaring a new body positive holiday with the hashtag “#nationalcelulliteday.”

Keep doing you, Demi!

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