EA Reveals That Only 7 Players Will Have a Perfect Rating in ‘Madden 19’

Who made the cut?

EA Sports

Digital Tom Brady

For better or worse, Madden 19 is on its way. It’ll be released near the end of summer and will probably be a slightly jumped-up version of Madden 18 with a few enhancements to keep players just happy enough to shell out another $60.

Which is fine. And sometimes the enhancements are interesting, like this—the seven players the game maker has given a top rating of 99.

This ranking is bound to be controversial, as players actually do pay some attention to it. Here are the top seven:

Team and game fans also take plenty of notice (obviously) and they sometimes have problems with EA’s selections.


So yeah, it’s a Patriot-heavy list, and also a little longer than last year’s. 

There’s always some kind of controversy when it comes to Madden games. The choices are sometimes in hindsight kind of ironic—like when Michael Vick was in the 90 percent range in Madden 2004, or when Aaron Hernandez was removed from Madden 14, because serial killers are a bad look, in general.

As far as the feelings of the players in the Top 99? While it must be pretty flattering, it’s probably hard to find any player who wants to be on the cover, because the Madden Curse is apparently real. 

Madden 19 will be released August 10, 2018.

h/t Brobible
