Explore Murder Houses in Your Neighborhood

American Horror Story has a terrifying new site that lets you map local crime scenes

This summer, we introduced you to the awesome American Horror Story site in the article below. We’re stoked that it’s now available just in time to catch Season 2 this fall and pick up Season 1 on Blu-Ray.

Just go here, type in your address and then scare the crap out of yourself! It’s fun!

For any of your American Horror Story junkies going through latex suit or Jessica Lange withdrawals, we’ve got good news. Though season two will take us away from the so-called “murder house” that no one seems to escape alive, the people behind this F/X series have found a way to let you explore real-life murder houses in your own backyard. It’s all in the form of a creepy new website, coming your way in August.

Photo Courtesy of F/X Networks | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

Here’s how the site works: After going to ahsmurderhouse.com, you type your street address into the search bar. A list of houses will pop up with a Google Map next to it. The top house listed is your own, but the others are homes in your neighborhood that have been the sites of actual murders.

Photo Courtesy of F/X Networks | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

Photo Courtesy of F/X Networks | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

If you click on your house, the AHS Murder House “ghosts” over your abode, leading to scares like the infamous Rubber Man invading your screen.

So if you’re ready to start sleeping with a baseball bat under your bed, be sure to check out the AHS Murder House digital experience when it goes live in August!
