Fourth OT 60-Foot Buzzer Beater is the Best Basketball Game Ending Ever

But is there a sinister secret behind it?

Hopkins High School’s Amir Coffey closed out the Minnesota State basketball semis against Shakopee by nailing a heave from half court (and more) in the last second of the fourth overtime. A spectacular ending, no doubt, and a hell of a way to break into the finals (which they will probably lose, because they just sweated out four overtimes).

However, the manner in which this game made it into the fourth overtime bears some mention.

The Hopkins High coach was unhappy with the way his team was shooting for the later part of the game, so he decided to have his players dribble out the last few minutes of regulation and much of the first two overtime periods, in an attempt to tire out their opponent. They were able to do this because Minnesota high school basketball does not institute a shot clock (sorry, Timberwolves, this does not also apply to you). In the third OT, Shakopee had two different three-point leads, but was unable to put away the stubborn team and in the fourth OT, well, you know.

In other super-frustrating news for Shakopee, Coffey was 1 for 9 on the day, before putting up the prayer.  

Photos by Josh Holmberg/ CSM / Landov
