Here’s How to Discover Thousands of Secret Netflix Genres You Didn’t Even Know Existed

It’s easier than you think.

Sometimes it’s hard to find something decent to watch on Netflix. How often do you open up the app, scroll through a few rows, and turn it off before settling on some terrible sitcom marathon on cable?

Flounder no more — there’s a way to narrow down the seemingly endless parade of movies so that you might be able to find something you actually want to watch.

has shared a hack that you can use only if you’re watching Netflix via web browser. If you take a look at the URL, which looks something like this:, you’ll see a number at the end there. The number is actually what categorizes the genres available from the service.

Choose a new number code from this website, replace it in the URL, and navigate to the new site. Presto! You’re now able to surf specific genres, tailor-made for your viewing habits. Because as great as Netflix can be with suggestions, sometimes it’s also downright terrible at guessing what you might want to watch next. 

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