James Franco’s Band Is Surprisingly Not Terrible

Listen to their latest song “You Are Mine.”


If you’re like me and recently watched Spring Breakers for the second time because it just got added to Showtime, then perhaps you’ve also been having idle thoughts about James Franco, what he’s doing, and how he’s been. You know that thing where you’ll have a dream about somebody and then the next day you run into them at the store? Well, much in that same vein, my Franco thoughts turned into Franco fruit today because I discovered that his band Daddy (yes, he has a band called Daddy) just released a new song called “You Are Mine.”

Now, the fact that James Franco is in a band called Daddy with creative partner Tim O’Keef  was not new information to me, but what IS new information is that he STILL has a band named Daddy. They will soon be releasing Let Me Get What I Want, which is a brand new concept album + film featuring Andy Rourke from The Smiths on bass. I personally think Daddy should have named their new album Look At My Shit, but, this is not a perfect world. 

Check out the first single from the upcoming album here:

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