Joss Whedon Says He’d Return to Marvel to Make An All-Female Avengers Movie

ScarJo would surely be a part of this.

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Following the stress of making superhero blockbusters Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron, not to mention his assistance on franchise start-ups Captain America and Thor, director Joss Whedon has taken a much needed leave of absence from the Marvel Universe

Despite the seductive allure of the MCU—which is “committed” to making a Scarlett Johansson Black Widow spin-off—Whedon has currently moved on to other projects, leaving the superhero realm in the hands of Kevin Feige and the Russo Brothers. 

During a recent interview with TheWrap about his current prospects, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator was asked if a plot regarding an all-female Avengers team would peak his interest, and his response was a pleasant surprise:

“Yeah, of course,” he said. “Although I tend more towards the Jessica Jones-ey kind of stories than the delightful Supergirl stories that my daughter wants.”

(Photo: Marvel)

He continued on about women’s placement in the MCU, praising Feige for getting 2019’s yet to be cast Captain Marvel, the first time we’ll see a woman leading the charge of an on-screen comic book adaptation, into development. 

Kevin Feige fought a mighty fight to get her on the schedule,” he said of the film.” So it’s a start. You could say that should be a middle, but it’s a start.”

With an abundance of femme fatales to choose from, who would you like to see kick ass in an all-female Avengers film?
