Mariah Carey’s “Infinity” Wants the ’90’s Back

Lady Carey invites her subjects back to the halcyon days of 1994, when her middle-age was just a bad dream. 

Mariah Carey has long been known as a powerful woman, with arrows in her bejeweled quiver like mind-bending cleavage, shattering high C’s and a nuclear hair-straightener. But today, with the release of her single “Infinity,” Mariah Carey has clued us in to the true depth of her magic: as the title suggests, Mariah Carey is a mistress of time. In the year of Our Lord 2015, Mariah has released a single to bring us back to her glory days: 1994. With swelling strings, trite romantic lyrics (“close the door/lose the key”) and a bevy of (seemingly pitch-corrected) high notes, Mimi transports us back to the glorious era of mid-nineties RnB, when she was the young Ariana on the block, and Nick Cannon was but a distant nightmare. While “Infinity” is a more pleasing bit of nostalgia for its singer than its audience, we’re happy to join Mariah in the nineties for four minutes.

Photos by Photo by Jim Spellman/WireImage
