MGM HD Goes 80s

Their “HD Time Machine” marathon—tied to the release of Hot Tub Time Machine—kicks off tomorrow with a bevy of 80s classics.

Next Friday (March 26), Hot Tub Time Machine finally answers the question: “If you could go back and party with John Cusack in the 80s, does that mean you should?” In an effort to get your neon-shirt soaked with sweaty anticipation, MGM HD is loading up this weekend with an 80s movie marathon.

Starting Friday, March 19th at 8:00 PM (ET) with Modern Girls and carrying through the weekend, the HD Time Machine marathon line-up includes instant classics like Secret Admirer, Ski Patrol, Class (never before seen in HD), and the “in a perfect world this would be bigger than Twilight” cult beauty Night of the Comet.

Need a refresher? Done and done.

Modern Girls (Friday 3/19 8:00 PM ET)

Class (Friday 3/19 10:00 PM ET)

Secret Admirer (Saturday 3/20 12:00 AM ET)

Ski Patrol (Saturday 3/20 8:00 PM ET)

Blame it on Rio (Saturday 3/20 10:00 PM ET)

Valet Girls (Sunday 3/21 10:00 PM ET)

Night of the Comet (Monday 3/22 12:00 AM ET)

Night Of The Comet Movie Trailer | Movies & TV |
