Is Richard Sherman Even Better Than We Thought?

With apologies to Michael Crabtree.

How big a shutdown corner’s impact is can be a difficult metric to measure, because as quarterbacks shy away from throwing to your side (unless of course, this guy is on your side), your stats suffer; all for just being good at your job.

Richard Sherman however, noted fan of his own work, has found a way to overcome the stats drought that can come with being feared. How, you ask? Well, you curious scamp, he’s done it by being incredibly good on the occasions that he has been targeted. Thanks to the everything-explainers on Reddit, we know that Sherman was targeted on just 58 passes this season, of which he picked a startling 13.8% – more than double Brandon Boykin, who is second to his 8 interceptions with 6. Sherman knows all about making the most of your opportunities. Drew Brees was apparently privy to this information, just testing Sherman once in his 43 attempts in the divisional playoffs. Colin Kaepernick might have missed the memo, and one of the most interesting storylines of the Super Bowl will be how Peyton approaches Sherman.

Obviously, having the intimidating backup that he has in the rest of the Seahawks defense can’t hurt, but it certainly doesn’t account for all of these insane numbers. So let the man talk; he seems to be pretty good at backing it up. 

Photos by Otto Greule/ Getty Images | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2014
