Watch Ryan Gosling Shoot For the Moon in this Thrilling Trailer For Neil Armstrong Biopic ‘First Man’

This is definitely out of this world.

In 1969, the United States did something astonishingly dumb, sending some guys in helmets and padded coveralls in a tin capsule to the Moon. 

The effort succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, and men ended up walking on the surface of another world. That’s pretty wild when you think about it, but it’s also kinda crazy no one’s made a big-budget movie about the moonshot before. Till now.

Ryan Gosling stars in First Man, a biopic about the, uh, first man who had the guts to descend from his space ship and step into the dust. The movie was directed by Damien Chazelle, who last worked with Gosling in La La Land, and the synopsis says it is “the riveting story of NASA’s mission to land a man on the moon, focusing on Neil Armstrong and the years 1961-1969.” 

It’s described as a “visceral, first-person account” that explores “the sacrifices and the cost—on Armstrong and on the nation—of one of the most dangerous missions in history.”

Even today, a trip to the Moon would be perilous. Imagine what it was like nearly 50 years ago, when NASA’s biggest computers behind the effort had less computing power than the iPhone. Damn.

First Man is in theaters October 12, 2018.
