Thresh’s Most Anticipated Movies of 2012

Hunger Games star Dayo Okeniyi talks about the year’s most exciting releases

Hunger Games star Dayo Okeniyi talks about the year’s most exciting releases

Photo Courtesy of Lionsgate | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

Dayo Okeniyi, also known as Thresh of The Hunger Games, is many things: Actor. Tweeter. Owner of a name that’s part of the calypso classic Banana Boat Song. On top of that, he’s also a big moviegoer. Since The Hunger Games sent so many people into frenzy, we asked Okeniyi which movies this year got him pumped and which ones he’s still looking forward to. Check out his picks, as well as photos from the Hunger Games sequel, below! (Disclaimer: The photos may be imaginary.)


Earlier in the year, I was obsessed with Prometheus. I loved it. It just had everything I loved about movies.

The Dark Knight Rises

I’m one of those crazy people that would constantly check the email about who’s getting casted in the Dark Knight Rises. That was a movie I couldn’t wait for.


Lawless is a movie I really want to see. It’s directed by John Hillcoat and it stars Shia LaBeouf and Jessica Chastain and Tom Hardy. I think it’s gonna be an incredible film and I can’t wait to see that.

Photo Courtesy of Lionsgate | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

On the Costar He’d Pick to Be His Mentor in the Games

Aww man, that’s tough. Woody [Harrelson] did a pretty good job, I’d kind of trust him. He seems to know what he was doing. As an actor, I’ve watched him for years and I’m one of his biggest fans. If there was a Hunger Games for actors, I wouldn’t mind him being my mentor in this crazy game we call Hollywood show business.

On Reality TV

For me, I put stock in documentary reality TV. I’m not into the Desperate Housewives of Wherever reality. I’m a big fan of the Food Network. That’s one of my guilty pleasures. If I can learn how to make a great risotto, I feel like I’m adding something to my life as opposed to watching Kim Kardashian buy shoes. The Hunger Games  is sad, because it could happen. If you look at our past, there were gladiators and people paid to go to watch gladiators in an arena and if you think about where we are today and how much people are addicted to American Idol and all these different TV shows…it’s very possible for something like that to happen, which I think is what also makes The Hunger Games really cool is a franchise.

Photo Courtesy of Lionsgate | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012

On the Battle Royale Comparisons

First of all, I think Battle Royale is an incredible film, so for people to compare our film or the story to that story I think is a compliment. And I definitely see similarities with young kids in this dystopian future forced to battle in front of cameras. But our movie has a very close relationship with characters within the game. The thing about Battle Royale is as the audience, you’re outside the arena. You’re one of the people watching the games unfold as opposed to the actual Hunger Games where I feel like director Gary Ross did a very great job of making the audience feel like they were a part of the games. He really made you feel like you were Katniss, because you saw the whole movie through her eyes. That’s a more interesting approach, because you really root for the characters within the games, you root for their survival and you want to see your tribute make it through.

On His Hunger Games Twitter Prank

I’m a joker, man. I try not take myself too seriously and it was a little thing that just came to my head and I was like “Oh my God, I have to do this and see what happens.” It’s about the excitement, you know? As much as I’m an actor, I’m a huge moviegoer and I love the anticipation for movies to come out. I’m always on pins and needles and it’s just interesting to be in the position to give people a little bit of excitement or a little bit of a buzz. It definitely caused a bit of an uproar, but the cool thing is they got the joke. A lot of people were like, “Oh my God, I’m heartbroken, but we love you Dayo.” It was always, “Oh my God, we hate you, but I kind of love you.” So I love interacting with Hunger Games fans. They’re the coolest ever.

The Hunger Games is available on Blu-ray and DVD now!
