Watch This Maniac Vape and Snort the World’s Hottest Chili Peppers

This is absolutely insane.

YouTube nutjob Russell Hawkins just combined his two favorite things (vaping and insanely hot chili peppers), in a video so outrageous you might break out in a sweat just watching it.

With the world’s hottest chili pepper, the Carolina Reaper, clocking in at 2.2 million Scoville units—that’s 100 times hotter than a jalapeno—most people would shy away from even touching any of its shriveled up, red contents. But not this guy.

Going for the gold in multiple videos, Russel vapes, snorts, and even smears some of a Reaper directly onto his eyeballs, making him quite possibly the craziest dude on YouTube.

You can’t make this shit up, folks. 

H/T First We Feast
