This Week in DVDs: October 5, 2010

Check out this week’s crop of DVDs, Blu-rays, and collector’s edition ultimate mega sets.

Since we know time is money, here’s a quick handy reference guide to recent DVD releases that should be on your radar and, in many cases, on your shelf. Immediately.

Grindhouse (Blu-ray)

Release Date: October 5

What it is: Yes, the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez double feature is back on Blu-ray¿but hold up. This is actually the version you should have seen the first time. Forget the chopped up and separately-released Planet Terror and Death Proof, this is the whole shebang in its original form with missing reels, fake trailers, and the lot.

Why you need it: Because if you saw Planet Terror and Death Proof as stand-alone movies, you’d be right in thinking, “Um, they kind of suck.” But seeing Grindhouse in its original form¿with the fake trailers, cool interstitials, and intentionally crappy presentation¿you realize that, well, their being bad was kind of the point. The Weinstein Company screwed the pooch when they released the movies separately without trailers, so here’s your chance to see that this supposed “disaster” is, actually, pretty fucking entertaining. There are tons of extras on the disc, as well. Our favorite is “Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike,” which is all about the casting of the legendary actor. Why? Because Kurt Russell is the man, and if someone wants to dedicate 10 minutes to further proving that is fine by us.

The Exorcist (Blu-ray)

Release Date: October 5

What it is: The Citizen Kane of horror films, that’s all. Seriously, every single “Scariest Movie of All Time” list should officially be retired because this is always #1. It arrives on Blu-ray for the first time, with both the original theatrical and director’s cut versions included.

Why you need it: Although this one is clearly aiming straight for the completists, it does boast all-new special features and gorgeous picture and sound transfers. If you never realized how much the soundtrack much more than the visuals contributes to the mess in your pants, this version will convince you. The howls will stay with you long after the movie is over and you’ve popped in Finding Nemo to cleanse your mental palate. The new special features¿one focusing on the Georgetown shooting locations¿are well-done and informative. Overall, a really classy and solid package (the booklet even has some incredible rare behind the scenes stills) perfect for the Halloween season.

Mad Max (Blu-ray)

Release Date: October 5

What it is: The world’s sugartits would have gone completely unharrassed if not for this seminal action flick. The movie that introduced us to both badass post-Apocalyptic loner Max Rockatansky and Mel Gibson comes to Blu-ray in all its angry glory.

Why you need it: For a movie that has lived on cable and VHS and DVD this long, “need” is a strong word. However, this is a solid visual transfer that represents the nicest this movie will probably ever look, and we dig the inclusion of the original Aussie “language” track (Mad Max was originally dubbed when it was released in the States by people who thought, apparently, that Australians spoke a different language. Hint: They don’t). The DVD/Blu-ray combo pack should ensure that you don’t ever need to buy another copy of Mad Max ever again. Until, you know, they come out with SuperDVD or brain implants or whatever.
