What We’re Watching Today: Keira Knightley Faking It, Cavs vs. Clippers

Plus Jimmy Fallon taking the lyrics of Neil Young’s “Old Man” to heart.  

Congratulations on making it more than halfway through the week. If it’s been a rough one, just be glad that you’re not Brian Williams right now. 

What We’re Watching Now

Vanity Fair’s annual Hollywood issue cover is graced entirely by Englishmen and women, so photographer Jason Bell directed a short film in three parts that pays homage to the British invasion. Here’s the last installment, with Keira Knightley faking Meg Ryan’s infamous fake orgasm from When Harry Met Sally.


The other two can be found



What We’re Watching Later When We Get Bored 

We loved it when Jimmy Fallon joined Bruce Springsteen for a duet last year, all while dressed exactly like The Boss. We’ve been rewarded again with another stellar classic rock look alike performance, this time with Jimmy putting a literal spin on Neil Young’s classic “Old Man.” 

What We’re Watching Tonight

According to our resident basketball guru,

Max Rivlin-Nadler

: “Since LeBron returned from his mid-season rejuvenation break, the Cavs have finally put the pieces together and are now demolishing their opponents amidst an eleven game winning streak. They host The Clippers in a possible Finals preview, with Los Angeles looking to prove they are just as formidable on the road as they are at home. Look for some high-flying heroics from LeBron and Kyrie Irving, with Blake Griffin and Chris Paul trying to make up for a fluke of a loss to Brooklyn on Tuesday.”
