This Sweet Apple Watch Band Lets You Shoot and Share Videos

It has two HD video cameras built in.

The CMRA band adds two cameras to Apple Watch (Photo: Glide)

The CMRA band adds two cameras to Apple Watch (Photo: Glide)
The CMRA band adds two cameras to Apple Watch (Photo: Glide)

Long before Star Trek, Back to the Future and The Jetsons all implanted visions in our brains about transporters, time travel and flying cars that fold into briefcases, there was Dick Tracy and his trademark two-way wrist radio. (Give ’em a break, this was like 80 years ago, way before TVs and video chatting were both standard issue.)

Whether it was with that particular vision in mind or not, the same folks behind the Glide live video messenger app have come up with the CMRA band for Apple Watch, which has a microphone and, not one, but two HD video cameras built in. So now you’ll be able to snap pics, capture movies and video chat right on your trendy smartwatch.

Captures hundreds of stills or 30 mins of video per charge (Photo: Glide)
Captures hundreds of stills or 30 mins of video per charge (Photo: Glide)

Sure, the Sony sensor-laden cameras—2 megapixels front facing and 8 megapixels outward—may be a bit modest by today’s smartphone standards, but certainly a fine starting point for adding all that imaging ability right to your wrist. (Just imagine taking a picture without the hassle of having to dig into your pocket for your phone. And if successful, it’ll only get better.)

It’s currently available for preorder in four colors at $149, which includes a dual charging dock that juices up both itself and the watch at the same time. After preorder, it’ll be available in three colors (minus the gray option) at $249.

Available in three colors, plus gray just for pre-orders (Photo: Glide)
Available in three colors, plus gray just for pre-orders (Photo: Glide)

h/t: CNET
