Fix Your Depressing Cubicle With This Lamp That Grows Plants

Green thumb not required.

Although we often write about blades and grass all the time, it’s not usually at the same time. But such is the case with Grasslamp, the office-chic light that makes indoor gardening a cinch. (We know, sounds a little salesy, but it’s true.)

It’s available in black or white, but couldn’t really get much greener: It’s made from recycled materials. It’s a power saving light. And it makes growing micro-greens practically foolproof. But even if you’re not into health drinks or helping your cat’s herbivoric endeavors, at the very least it adds a touch of class and sophistication to your otherwise—oh, how shall we say?—shitty workspace.

And hey, not for nothing, as long as you’re confined indoors, it makes for a a pretty good-looking light while it’s doing its hydroponics thing.

Although you already missed the super earlybird for this Kickstarter campaign, as of this writing you can still save some major green by grabbing one at the $129 level. (It’ll retail in late spring for about $400.)

Photos by Grasslamp
