Nintendo Might be Bringing Back the Game Boy in the Greatest Retro Gaming News Ever
We’ve already got that damn ‘Tetris’ song stuck in our heads.

商標:[画像] /
出願人:任天堂株式会社 /
出願日:2017年9月15日 /
区分:9(家庭用テレビゲーム機用プログラムほか),14(キーホルダーほか),18(かばん金具ほか),21(化粧用具ほか),25(被服ほか),28(家庭用テレビゲーム…— 商標速報bot (@trademark_bot) October 6, 2017
It seems like Nintendo is ready to lean hard into the retro gaming trend, especially with the 30th anniversary of the Game Boy—one of its greatest hits—coming up just over a year from now.
A Twitter bot that tweets out new patents dropped the above image on October 6th. It is an apparent trademark filed in mid-September along with a mock-up of the Game Boy.
While Nintendo’s actual plans are unknown, this seems damn timely given 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of The Game Boy’s release in the US and Japan.
Kotaku noted that the trademark doesn’t actually give a brand name, but is appropriate for these things:
[It] covers a variety of “home video game console” programs as well as “programs for smartphones,” “smartphone cases,” “smartphone covers,” as well as “key holders,” “necklaces,” and “watches.” Some of the trademarks could be to protect the “Nintendo Classic Mini Game Boy” brand or they could simply be to protect the Game Boy brand. Full stop.
This could be for a full-sized replica with 21st century capability but all the old games you love, but many also speculate it could be for a mini version.
Once it’s out—if it actually gets a reboot as it seems it might—it would join other old hits turned retro hits like the SNES Classic as well as mini Atari and Sega Genesis consoles in the well-stocked legacy player’s gaming cave.
But the fun in the Game Boy was always that it could go anywhere with you, so look forward to forgetting your phone a lot if you pick one of these up in 2019.
h/t HighSnobiety