Tech Review: Atomic Floyd PowerJax In-Ear Phones

Because “Powerjax” sounds like something you want to stick in your ears…

Because “Powerjax” sounds like something you want to stick in your ears…

Atomic Floyd Powerjax In-Ear Phones, £99.99

What is it?

It’s time to move on from those ear-bending, low-rent headphones that come with your iPhone. The truth is they’re all packaging, with no power and average audio abilities. These new sonic superstars from Atomic Floyd are the acoustic experts’ first pair to appear at this kind of price point and, while it’s a heap steeper than you might be used to forking out on micro cans, these babies are worth every penny.

Why do you need it?

Now that streaming a film is actually a viable option, you need decent sound to compete with the quality of image this year’s screens can produce. What separates the Floyds from the rest of the wax-stained, in-ear phones are its top-notch components – Kevlar cable, a gold-plated connector, and specially moulded steel acoustic chambers all help cut out ambient noise and boost what’s meant for your lug-hole.

Top tip

As the PowerJax come packed with three different-sized ear tips, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a lobe-lacking reptile or a top-heavy wing nut, complete aural comfort is assured.

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