This Genius Pop-Out Plug Instantly Doubles Your Outlet Space

Power strip, shmower strip.

theOUTlet is a slick pop-out power solution

Normally when we at Maxim talk about your “outlets,” we’re talking about increasing the amount of sex, weed and powerboats in your life with which to blow off steam. Today, though, we’re literally focused on electrical power. You know, the kind that makes all your cool stuff run.

The folks at Secret Sockets have figured out how to sneakily double the number of available outlets without having to resort to a clumsy power strip. It looks like a fairly normal outlet—and does in fact fit in a regular wall box. But with the touch of a button—and without having to unplug what you’ve already got connected—theOUTlet (notice what they did there with the caps in the middle; wink, wink) pops out to reveal two more three-prong plugs.

In addition to being convenient (especially for you DIYers who know how to configure an electrical outlet), it also offers some safety in the form of tamper resistance. So supposedly you won’t need to put those plastic plug thingies when your little cousins come over to visit.

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Although the Kickstarter campaign is already over halfway to funded, you can still grab a $28 earlybird special. (But don’t worry, it’s only a couple bucks more if you miss it.)

Of course, the real excitement happens if they reach their $45K stretch goal. That adds a version with two USB outlets to the mix, capable of charging two phones or one tablet without having to hunt down an adapter. (Though you’ll still need a cable.)

Simple, slick and functional. We’re here for it.
