The World’s First Personal Underwater Jet Pack

Turn yourself into a human torpedo.

Ever since the first time Thunderball rocked your world, you’ve yearned to rocket beneath the waves, possibly clutching knives and spears in high pursuit of villains with vaguely Russian accents. Well the x2 Sport Underwater Jet Pack may be able to help you play out with at least part of that undersea fantasy.

With twin high-power hydra thrusters mounted to your forearms and a power/controller pack on your back, the x2 can zip you through the water at over 6 MPH. Dude, don’t roll your eyes. It may not seem like much, but that’s about a third faster than the fastest human can swim. Trust us, it’ll feel fast.

If you’d like to be a beta tester (for $1,400), they’ll ship you an early version of it in March, with the proviso that you give them detailed feedback. If you’re content to sit back and get the full version released next September, that’ll currently run you $2,000 on their Indiegogo page. Either way, just make sure your goggles are strapped on tight.

Photos by SCP Marine Innovation
