Here Are The 10 Most Important Rules Of Dating Younger Women
Required reading for those who like ’em young…

Multiple studies suggest the key to a long and prosperous life is not eating beets and drinking sad green juices all the time, but rather something much more enjoyable — dating younger women.
Apparently, older dudes who date younger ladies live longer and are in better health, which means if you’re a single guy who’s getting on in years, you might want to consider hooking up with a hot, young, millennial girlfriend. It’s for your health, after all.
That said, if you want to land younger hottie AskMen helpfully compiled a list of the 10 commandments of attracting and dating younger women. Hold onto your dicks, my dudes.
1. Treat her like a girlfriend, not a casual fling.
One of the woes younger women tend to deal with when it comes to dating are men playing games with them. And when I say games, I mean things like suddenly ghosting and then texting her “wyd” after three weeks, booty calls at 2 am, you know, shit like that.
“When I date a guy around my age, I assume there’s a certain level of immaturity that I’m inevitably going to have to endure,” says Mariah, 26.
“In both of my past relationships with older men, I’ve gone into them assuming that there won’t be any games played, and that choosing to date someone who has had the time to make past relationship mistakes will have learned from them.
“Older guys looking to date younger women should know that just because we’re younger doesn’t mean we’re more willing to put up with B.S.”
2. Don’t make the relationship all about sex.
Yeah, sex is awesome, but unless you’re dating a nymphomaniac, you shouldn’t make sex the most important thing in the relationship. You also need romance and intellectual passion to keep the spark alive.
“It’s not always what you can bring in bed, but keeping us engaged as a woman,” she says. “It seems once they have you they slip. They lose that dating mentality,” says 25-year old Rebecca.
3. Act your age.
“Most of the men I’ve dated have been older,” says Shekinah, 30. “If there’s a big age gap, there are expectations. Depending on your age I’m looking for a certain level of maturity, someone I can learn from, someone looking to have a long-term relationship, and someone that knows who he is.”
4. Leave any and all immaturity behind.
“There’s a reason I prefer older men,” says Kristen, 27. “It’s because I don’t want to deal with an immature, inexperienced, naive child… so don’t be one.”
5. Let her live her own life.
“Don’t pressure us to live on your timeline,” 29-year old Johari explains. “If I’m not ready for something but you were ready years ago, find someone who’s there and leave me alone. Don’t try to pressure me into it (marriage, children, etc.)”

6. Honesty is the best policy.
“The things you admire us for in the beginning can become tiresome to you as we both get older, so please make sure to be honest with yourself about why you are attracted to us, and if it’s for who we are — not how we make you feel.”
7. Keep up with her.
“If age is nothing but a number, don’t act like a grandpa. We like going out and doing things, so you better be ready to get that ass moving!” demands Carly, 29.
So basically, if you don’t like going out and getting drunk at the club or hitting some wack-ass music festival, maybe don’t date a 20-something.
8. Remember that she’s not looking for a sugar daddy.
“Not all of us are financially helpless. We’re looking for a life partner, not a father figure,” 35-year old Ahna says, echoing every other independent woman out there.
9. When the time comes to meet the parents, be super chill.
“My boyfriend is closer to my dad’s age than he is to mine,” says Sarah, 27. “When I first told my parents that I was dating someone much older they were skeptical — but once we hit the one-year mark they finally understood that it wasn’t a phase, and wanted to meet him, which was weird, but I think that the way my boyfriend handled it was great.
“He acknowledged the elephant in the room by cracking a joke with my dad about a sports championship they were both alive for that I was obviously not, and from there the meeting went much more smoothly. We know that it’s going to be strange to meet our folks, but we appreciate anything you can do to lighten the mood without overcompensating.”
10. Prepare to be judged.
When people see a couple with a significant age difference, they will stare, and they will assume that you’re either:
1) Her biological father, or…
2) Her sugar daddy.
“I was prepared for the typical challenges you face when you’re a younger woman dating an older man, but nothing could have prepped me for the judgements that strangers felt they had the right to make about my boyfriend and I to both of our faces,” says Jasmine, 26.
“One of the first times we were out at a bar together, the male bartender hit on me when my date went to the bathroom. He leaned in and said, ‘I know he has more money than I do, but I can do things to you that he’s too old for if you know what I mean.’
“I was so angry that I couldn’t speak. When my boyfriend came back I told him what happened. I expected him to say something to the bartender or to at least be as upset as I was, but instead he told me that he was sorry, and that this was going to happen, but that we couldn’t let other people’s ignorance get in the way of our relationship.
“He was right, it happened multiple times after that night. Dating a younger woman means you both need to have a thick skin and not care about anyone’s opinion but your own.”
H/T: AskMen