Facebook Spent $19 Million on Bodyguards for Mark Zuckerberg

Why is Zuck so worried about his safety?



Facebook has reportedly spent a whopping $19 million on billionaire founder Mark Zuckerberg’s personal security – including gun-toting armed guards – over the past three years, Fox News reports.

According to a recent regulatory filing, the cost to protect Zuckerberg topped $7.8 million in 2014, way up from $4.2 million the previous year. He is reportedly so concerned about his own security that he has no less than 16 people protecting him at his California home, where neighbors have been in a tizzy about all the big black SUVs parked outside. 


The factoid emerged after the SEC pressed Facebook to explain whether “security expenses” were included in “Zuckerberg’s annual compensation package,” Breitbart reports

According to Quartz, Zuckerberg only takes $1 in annual salary from Facebook but amasses millions in perks like the $19 million over the past five years “on private air travel and other aspects of Zuckerberg’s ‘overall security program,'” Breitbart notes. 

Hey, whatever makes Zuck feel safe is fine with us. And just remember, people, it’s not his fault that there are so many annoying baby pictures in your news feed.

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