Find Hot Sex Within Dating Websites

A night of mind-blowing, no-strings-attached sex is just a click away!

A night of mind-blowing, no-strings-attached sex is just a click away!

When 27-year-old Lisa* signed into her OkCupid account, a message appeared from a guy who was visiting Boston for the night and wanted to meet up. A few hours later they were hooking up in an alley, and as clothes were pulled off, he asked if she knew a place they could go. They ended up screwing in the private bathroom of the Harvard bookstore.

Lisa, like a growing number of women, didn’t join a dating Web site to find the man of her dreams. Today ladies are logging on to, eHarmony, OkCupid, and PlentyofFish to find the man of their week, night, or hour. They want one thing only: casual sex. Read on to learn how to decode their profiles, what to say in a message, and what kind of carnal craziness can happen to you…if you push the right buttons.

The Profile

Just because some women are strictly seeking sex doesn’t mean they’re always up front about it. They want you to use your brain. Lisa’s profile reveals she just wants “lighthearted fun.” Sneaky, right? “If you can’t read between the lines, I’m sorry,” she says.

Rose, 28, explains, “I mostly answer questions about my sexual preferences and skip the ones about how I would raise a child or about my family background to imply that I’m only here to get it on.”

When it comes to crafting your profile, put equal effort into the written and visual portions. Rose thinks it’s important to show yourself in social situations, not just head shots: “It’s nice to see other guys in pictures to show you actually have friends and can have a good time.” Katie, 28, adds that she’d never respond to a guy who thinks photos of his six-pack make up for not having anything interesting to write on his profile. “Too many guys send me blatant sexual remarks,” she says. “I want to meet the ones who are clever enough to get me into bed.”

When it comes to interests, it’s a waste of time to write about your favorite bands. Instead, Rose thinks it’s alluring when guys include a challenge. “It can be a conversation starter,” she says. “If you say no one can beat you in tennis, it gives me something to automatically reply to.”

The Message

To master writing a brilliantly simple and sweet message requires showing interest without being too needy. Start by referencing something you read on her profile, then get a little flirty. “I listed letterpress—movable type you press with ink onto paper—as one of my interests,” shares Katie. “So one of the best messages I’ve gotten from a guy was ‘Would you like to meet for a beer and tell me what exactly letterpress is, so I can stop pretending I know?’ We ended up at his place that night and had sex loud enough to wake his roommate.”

Even if you both list casual sex on your profile as what you’re looking for, don’t be a creep about it. Julie, 21, says, “Just because I state I’m bisexual and looking for hookups doesn’t mean a guy should write ‘Hey, want to fuck tonight? Bring a girl’—even if that’s what may end up happening.” Brittany, 28, warns against being too pushy. “Don’t tell me why I should go out with you. Instead, tell me why you want to go out with me,” she advises.

The Jackpot

Once you nail the message, you’re well on your way to getting it on. Brittany’s favorite hookup was with a guy who was in town from London. “When he texted me to meet up, I was at a concert in fishnets and a leotard, but that didn’t stop me from strutting right into his fancy hotel for a mind-blowing quickie.”

Not that you have to be wealthy or from out of town to seal the deal. Stella, 24, landed a consistent fuck buddy. “He wasn’t the type to introduce to friends or family, but we had the most amazing chemistry in bed,” she says.

Not only can you land a girl from a dating site; sometimes you can score two in one night…at the same time! “When a past online hookup invited me for drinks with his girlfriend, I was suspicious,” Lisa shares. “Turns out, after hanging at a local dive, we went back to his place and had a threesome, but it didn’t make anything weird. Instead, it strengthened our friendship.”

Be open to any fun possibilities and you just might end up with a girl who wants what you want: a nonserious relationship filled with passion, pleasure and condom wrappers on the floor. 
