Hottest Nightlife Bloggers

The Hunter S. Thompsons of the digital age…but better looking.

These are the Hunter S. Thompsons of the digital age…but better looking.

Our friends at Party Earth are on a never-ending quest to find the best places to party around the world. To do this, they often interact with the wild women who blog the night away. These lovely ladies have one of the best jobs in the publishing world: Write about parties. Here are the coolest, smartest, and hottest nightlife writers and bloggers the internet has to offer.

Anna Madsen – Paris

This Swedish/Polish socialite runs her own lifestyle blog and can be found at the most exclusive clubs in Paris. Her favorite venues are: Raspoutine Club, Le Bar du Plaza Athénée, le George at Centre Pompidou,  and the l’ARC nightclub. Oddly, she has yet to mention Olive Garden or Denny’s in any of her blogs. Some nightlife blogger, right?

Normal Is for the Weak:

“I’ve lived through some of the most wild, unimaginable, unforgettable nights in Paris and the South of France as a student. Overfilled Ferraris being pulled over by the police at 5am, cars breaking down between Cannes and St. Tropez and the driver passing out, spontaneous trips to other countries on the night before my final exams, finding myself at the Swedish embassy to get a new passport wearing a party dress and high heels. I love sharing the stories of what I live through. People might think I am crazy, but if I can make them laugh then I’m happy. The worst sin is to be boring and normal.”

Erica D’Aloia – New York

Erica’s work can be found at where she highlights the jet setter lifestyle of the wealthy local celebutantes of New York City. She’s a good person to know, if only because knowing apostrophe-named writers makes you sound like a big shot. Her favorite venues are: Rose Bar, Catch Rooftop, Double Seven, and Lavo.

In her words:

“One time getting out of a club, my friends and I were trying to find a cab, but with none to be found a little old man delivering fresh bread at the crack of dawn offered to give us a ride. Needless to say we ended up eating a piece of every type of bread within reach – long, round, whole wheat you name it. Best part about it was the little old man also let us take home a goody box of bread too!”

Tamara Kagel – Los Angeles

Tamara is a writer and social scene staple. She’s also a proud Mensa member and yoga instructor whose work can be seen at . Favorite venues are: A Club Called Rhonda night at El Cid, Beacher’s Madhouse, and The Roger Room.

Bright Lights, Big City, Wordy Release Form:

“I was at a friend’s house in Hollywood for a smallish party with a bunch of entertainment people. We’re having a great time eating and drinking good wine, when someone starts passing around release forms for us to sign. Apparently, the person whose house I was at was growing marijuana in his garage and a film crew had just arrived to begin shooting footage for a possible reality show called Hollyweed. I started thinking, what is the proper etiquette upon arriving at a party and choosing to decline to be on a reality show? Does decorum require me to say yes and be a good sport? These situations aren’t that uncommon these days and being a bit etiquette obsessed I decided there should be guidelines about how to politely decline being on your friend’s reality show or what shows were acceptable to appear on. I’ve written a fair number of guidelines for unique situations since then such as Rules for Dating Occupy Wall-Streeters and Rules for Sending Naughty Pics. And the blog kind of took off from there.”

Sascha Merchants – New York

Sascha is a native New Yorker, social butterfly and all-around walking concierge. Most of her writing can be found on Party Earth where she writes about the hottest bars and clubs around the city. Her favorite venues are: Mister H, Electric Room, Avenue, Provocateur, Soho House, Bagatelle, and Apothéke.

Two Girls Are Better Than Fun:

“I usually bring a friend with me whenever I’m checking a place out for Party Earth. We were put on the list for A60 and were able to glide right upstairs to the small rooftop. They had a private party still going on in the larger side so my friend and I grabbed cocktails at a table with some British guests of the hotel. Then when the other side opened up, the ratio petered out to mostly guys from the industry event and they then invited us girls over to have drinks with them. We ended up having such a fun time and staying out much longer than we thought.The night capped off with us being invited for late night eats back at Pastis. That’s the beauty of NY, you can start the night at one place, gearing to have a low key night and then can be thrown in a totally different direction.”

Kimberly Fisher – Los Angeles

Kimberly is a writer, model, TV personality, and social maven. Her work can be found at and she can be found at the most chichi bars and clubs in LA. Her favorite venues are Greystone Manor Supperclub, Supperclub, Roxbury, Agency, and Hyde Lounge at Staples Center.

Who Knew Amsterdam Liked to Party?:

“I tend to cover all kinds events, from high-end cultural events to urban hip hop parties to festivals. I was on a press trip to Amsterdam earlier in the year covering nightlife and events there, where they took us on a boat cruise with unlimited liquor. By the end of the cruise, we almost lost one writer in the water, one fell into another boat and two were experiencing bad trips on marijuana pound cake…all in one night.”

Kim Laidlaw Adrey – Paris

Kim is a freelance travel writer, editor and full-time seeker of the best places to go out in Paris. Her work can be found at If you need advice on fashion, art, bars, clubs, food, etc. she’s the person to know. Her favorite venues are: Le Carmen, Club Silencio, Wanderlust, and LInconnu. (That backslash isn’t a typo. It’s sophistacted and hip!)

Identity Theft is Fun:

“My other half bears an uncanny resemblance to the French actor Vincent Cassel, and this has got us past more than a handful of door Nazis in the past…It’s just a shame I don’t look like Monica Bellucci or we could probably get in anywhere!”

Kimberly Belle – Boston

Kimberly is a freelance food writer who works in both Boston and New York. You can find her stuff at and you can find her discovering hidden food and drink gems at 3am around two of the East Coasts best cities. Her favorite venues are: Smith & Mills (NY), Terroir (NY), Saloon (Boston), and Back Bar (Boston).

The Glorious Walk of Shame:

“The funniest bit about writing about nightlife is when my “research” takes me into the wee hours of the morning and I walk home post-dawn in last night’s dress and heels, while many a suited businessman passes me by, briefcase in hand, suspicious (I dare say—envious) grin spread wide. Some might call it a walk of shame, but I consider it a point of pride.”

Risa Chu – New York

A born and raised New Yorker who loves nothing more than long walks in dark unexplored alleyways that leads to beautiful hidden bars. (Note to readers: All unexplored alleyways lead to fun. Always. Of this we swear.) Her adventures can be found both on Party Earth and on her site at Her favorite venues are: Decibel, The Box, Employees Only, and Mother’s Ruin.

Facebook Friend Request Accepted:

“One night we were all going to get into Le Bain, a place for which the ease of gaining entrance is somewhere between Studio 54 and Mordor. After waiting at the door for a frustrating half an hour my friend finally got in touch with a friend that had a ‘high powered friend’ upstairs that pulled a golden ticket and got us in. I remember thanking the person and going about my blissfully ignorant merry way, only to later realize that it was one of the prominent real life characters in The Social Network.  I basically had no idea who he was until later when one of my techie friends explained who he was. I’d like to say the insanity stopped there, but following the long wait I had started to lose my buzz so I proceeded to attack the bar until stripping down to my undies and jumping more than half naked into a Jacuzzi in a room full of strangers sounded like a good idea.”

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