5 Qualities Every Business Leader Needs, According to Two Successful Entrepreneurs

Ecommerce founder Camilo Doumat and music executive Jose Pena on the best qualities for business success.

Courtesy of DN News Desk

Presented by DN News Desk

Learning how to lead often happens through trial and error, discovering that what you thought was a path to success was actually a dead-end. And these lessons can be especially excruciating when you have to turn back and explain to those that followed you that you chose the wrong route. 

Is there a way to develop the skills of a leader without having to make mistakes? We reached out to two prominent entrepreneurs, Jose Pena and Camilo Doumat, who have extensive experience with leadership within their respective industries. 

Record executive and music producer Pena has led the way for new voices to emerge and find success within the music industry. With his ecommerce business, Doumat has led countless small businesses straight to the top of their industry. 

Here, Pena and Doumat break down five essential qualities that every leader should have.


According to Pena, though it may sound redundant to say that a leader needs confidence, it needs to be mentioned. Because without self-confidence, no one would even consider following a path that you have paved. Doumat agrees, but he also advises against confusing arrogance for self-belief and recommends remaining humble.


Expanding on his previous point, Doumat asserts that humility is an essential trait in order for a leader to remain grounded and empathic to those he is leading. Pena also shares this view, explaining that staying humble means that you remain grateful for all that is done for you to help you on your way to success.


The insidious fake-it-till-you-make-it culture of social media can easily cause us to exaggerate our wins and conceal our losses, but both Pena and Doumat insist that transparency is essential in a leader. If those who follow you start to suspect that you are being untruthful about the direction you are leading them in, they will likely abandon the journey.


Doumat shares that success is inevitable when failure is not enough to deter someone from their goal. This belief is the reason why he classes determination as being one of the most important qualities that a leader can have. Pena is in agreement, sharing that dedication is a vital tool in helping others realize you are worth following.

Strong Communication Skills

Pena explains that an incredible battle plan for success means nothing if you can’t communicate your plans to those you are trying to lead. According to Doumat, a good understanding of the key principles of communication equips you perfectly to share your ideas and inspire others.

Putting your hand up and taking the lead can feel daunting, and sometimes, it feels easier to step back and blend in with the flock. However, Pena and Doumat believe that we need to reject that impulse and remember that anyone can become a great leader as long as they inculcate the above-mentioned qualities.
