Chad Kelly Gets An Outrageous Offer After Striking Out With Mia Khalifa

Sounds like the Ole Miss QB might break even after all.

Khalifa Kelly split

Ole Miss quarterback Chad Kelly may be a lot of things, but he’s definitely not smooth with the ladies. Case in point: his infamously awkward attempts to slide into former porn queen Mia Khalifa’s DMs, which have led to the whip-smart and sarcastic Khalifa regularly torching him online and off.

Hardcore video giant Pornhub, always ready to jump at a chance for publicity, has taken pity on Chad Kelly. They can’t help him with Khalifa—who was for a brief time in early 2015 one of the most popular performers on their site—but in an open letter to Kelly, Pornhub veep Corey Price lays out another option—to go on a date with a  porn star and get coached by the smut site on how to charm her. 

Read all about it here:

A chance at learning how to improve his obviously weak seduction game with an actual porn star as his tutor? Chad Kelly would be an idiot to pass this up. 

Okay, he hasn’t been too impressive in his correspondence with Mia Khalifa, so we’re pretty sure he’ll pass it up.

Still, it’s nice when people care.

h/t Brobible
