Here Are The Colleges That Are Having The Most Sex
Back to school means back to boinking.

College kids have three favorite pastimes: taking power naps before class, partying, and having a lot of sex. Now that it’s September and school is back in session, these important educational activities have commenced again. Yay college!

The Princeton Review informed us of the top party schools for this academic year, but what about the top sex-loving schools? Which college is having the most sex? We need to know.
Luckily, delivery service goPuff can provide information about this pressing matter. Basically, goPuff is like Seamless, but for convenience store items—like condoms for horny college students too lazy or too naked to go the corner store and pick some up for themselves.
Anyway, those condom deliveries mean lots of data on which cities and which schools are having the most sex, even though we’re only a week or two into the fall semester.
Now, without further ado, here are the horniest schools of the fall 2016 semester.
1. Philadelphia, PA (29%)
Drexel University, Temple University & University of Pennsylvania
2. Boston, MA (13.9%)
Boston University, Boston College, Harvard, MIT, Northeastern University
3. Phoenix, AZ (11.7%)
Arizona State University
4. Washington, DC (9.7%)
American University, Georgetown University, George Washington University
5. New York, NY (9.5%)
Pace University, Hunter, FIT, New York University (If you thought a school in Manhattan would be all about academics, you’re wrong.)
6. Denver, CO (7%)
Denver University, University of Colorado Denver
7. Chicago, IL (6.4%)
DePaul University
8. Seattle, WA (4.8%)
University of Washington
9. Austin, TX (4.4%)
University of Texas at Austin, St. Edwards University, Austin Community College
10. Portland, OR (3.4%)
Portland State
A+, guys. Nice job staying sacked up.