German Man Killed By Exploding Condom Machine During Botched Robbery

And the Darwin Award goes to…

A German man died Christmas Day after blowing up a condom machine with a homemade bomb as part of a robbery attempt, local authorities told the BBC.

According to the Guardian, the 29-year-old man was struck in the head with a flying piece of metal after he and two accomplices attempted to blow a condom dispenser open in the town of Schöppingen, near the Dutch border. 

The AP reports that the three men “apparently got into a car after triggering the explosion, but the 29-year-old didn’t close his door and was hit by debris when the machine exploded.”

The other two men “fled the scene of the explosion in a car, leaving behind condoms and money scattered around the gutted vending machine,” according to the Guardian. They turned up at a Schöppingen hospital seeking medical attention for their friends.

The scattered debris caught the attention of police, who tracked down the two accomplices after they told hospital officials the third man injured himself by falling down a flight of stars. One later admitted that his injuries were caused by the exploding condom dispenser.

The two accomplices were were arrested and later released by authorities.
