There’s A New Café In Switzerland Where You Can Get Oral Sex With Your Coffee

Step aside, Starbucks.

You’ve heard of happy endings at seedy underground massage parlors—now get ready for blowjobs at coffee shops. Yeah, it’s a real thing.

At the end of this year, a new coffee shop, Fellatio Café, will open up in Geneva, Switzerland, where you can get a hot cup of joe, with a side of blowjob. Seriously. 

The firm behind the Swiss café, Facegirl, says customers will be able to order coffee, then select a sex worker of their choice from an iPad to give them a blowjob. You sure as hell can’t do that at Starbucks.

And just how much will this sexual service set you back? 60 Swiss francs, or about $50. Plus five francs for the coffee, of course. This is a business after all. But still, not bad for a caffeinated afternoon (or morning) delight.

Facegirl’s Bradley Chavet told Swiss newspaperLe Matin, that the idea for the café, which is based on similar establishments in Thailand, has been in the works for several months, and that coffee buffs can get their “orders filled” faster than they can say “large iced coffee, please.”

“In five or ten minutes, it’s all over,” he said, implying the ‘service’ at Fellatio Café is impeccable.

As always, critics blasted the proposal, claiming only developers would benefit from the business, but alas, prostitution is legal in Switzerland as long as the sex workers have permits, so why wouldn’t they open a café where you can get a cup of coffee with an almond croissant and an orgasm?

While there’s no exact date for the opening of the café, Chavet says it will be open for business by the end of this year. So it’s something to look forward to.

Geneva sounds like a good place to warm up with a cup of coffee this winter, so you might as well start booking your tickets now. 
