This Horny Couple Got Busted For Having Sex at Home Depot AND Kohl’s, So There’s Definitely a Cleanup in Aisle 3


home depot porn

(Jonesboro Police Dept.)

Listen, there’s nothing wrong with amateur porn, and the majority of people seem to love it. I mean, a homemade sex tape? Awesome.

It is, however, wrong and very much illegal to film a porno in a busy public place, such as the appliances section of Home Depot, as one horny couple from Arkansas did.

30-year old Leslie Sessions and 37-year old Derek Calloway were arrested back in July and charged with nine felonies, including public display of hard-core sexual conduct and promoting an obscene performance, because the police caught on that their X-rated home videos were being filmed in stores, including Home Depot, Kohl’s, and Cheddar’s restaurant.

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Apparently, cops were tipped that Sessions and Calloway were recording porn in public, and after watching one of the videos, they were like “Yup. That’s a nice fridge. That’s definitely Home Depot.”

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Police say some of the steamy scenes include Sessions masturbating under the table in a Cheddar’s restaurant, using a sex toy on herself in the Home Depot parking lot and in the appliances section, as well as having sex in the dressing room at Kohl’s.

Oh, man. All I can think about are the sweet little grannies shopping for underwear and Rachael Ray pasta pots at Kohl’s while there’s a porno being filmed 3 aisles over. I can’t stop laughing.

Police say the happy couple sells their amateur porn on Twitter, and their films earn them around $1,000 a month…but not anymore. I highly doubt they’re going to continue their naughty side gig any longer.

Some of Calloway’s charges include being the cameraman for a bunch of public pornos, and participating in a sex act at a nature preserve. Both Sessions and Calloway are free on bail at the moment, and have pleaded not guilty.

If convicted, each could face up to six years in prison, and a $10,000 fine on each count. Yikes.

And since news broke of their arrest, the couple has been quite popular on Facebook, and Calloway posted a status saying: “I have never seen so many friend requests in my life. Wow.”

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“Homie, you’re a star,” his friend responded.

A star indeed. Well done, you two. I will never see Home Depot or Kohl’s the same again.

H/T: The Smoking Gun
