A Minnesota Player Was Suspended After Allegedly Tweeting His Own Sextape

Coaches don’t generally approve of such things.


That the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers lost to Illinois yesterday without three of their top six scorers is no shock. But the reason Nate Mason, Kevin Dorsey and Dupree McBrayer were suspended? Now that’s a doozy. 

On Friday night Dorsey allegedly tweeted two graphic videos of himself and other unidentifiable men having sex with a woman. We know this not because the team said so when it announced the suspensions, but because Deadspin tracked down a conversation on a Minnesota message board laying out all the dirty details.

Corroborating the message board-sourced story is tough because Dorsey’s Twitter account disappeared shortly after the videos were posted. But enough people watched them to produce plenty of similar accounts about the tag-team match taking place. 

Among the many remaining questions is what role Mason and Dupree played in this mess. Some have speculated that they are also in the videos, but those who watched say Dorsey’s face is the only one visible. 

There’s also the mystery of why Dorsey would tweet the videos at all. Perhaps his phone was lost or stolen and some jerk with an itchy Twitter finger posted them? After the game Pitino did little to shed light on all of this, saying only that, “Tonight wasn’t about wins and losses, it was about making sure our guys understand that this thing is bigger than just basketball.”

He’s not wrong. According to a poster on GopherHole.com, “this thing” is as a big as the Eiffel Tower.
