A Brilliant Genius Created the Ultimate Tool for Screwing With Telemarketers

Not all heroes wear capes.

We have all different ways of dealing with telemarketers. Maybe you’re the courteous type and simply give them an “I’m not interested, thank you,” as if you are talking with an actual person and not a monster paid to waste our time. Or you’re someone who enjoys trying out different vile responses (or fake accents) for the sake of eking out a quantum of amusement from the harassment. 

Now there’s a better way to turn the tables on the scourge of telemarketers. According to Gizmodo, a brilliant telecom industry named Roger Anderson decided to create an call-answering robot to waste telemarketers’ time.

Going past the occasional “yes, uh huh, right,” the programmed algorithm can respond to auto-dialed calls and detect suspicion in the voices of telemarketers, responding with completely random proclamations like “Oh jeez, hang on, there’s a bee on my arm.” In this clip posted to YouTube, you can hear the bot at work as it turns a caller from polite to skeptical to obviously irritated. 

Oh, and the best part? Anderson has posted four simple steps anyone can take to redirect telemarketers to this robot. God bless you, Roger Anderson. You’re the hero America deserves.

h/t Gizmodo
