Meet the 20-Year-Old Who’s Already Been Bitten by a Shark, Bear and Rattlesnake

“I’m either really lucky or really unlucky.”

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Dylan McWilliams has only been on this earth for 20 years, and the avid outdoorsman already holds a distinction that few can claim. After an eight-foot tiger shark chomped his leg in Hawaii, McWilliams joined an exclusive club of people who’ve survived bites by a shark, bear and snake. And his all came within the past four years. 

“I don’t know,” the Colorado resident told The Honolulu Star Advertiser. “I’m either really lucky or really unlucky.”

McWilliams’ most recent bite came during an early morning boogie boarding session in Kuaui. He tells the Star Advertiser that after he was knocked off his board, he felt a searing pain in his leg. When he looked down, he saw blood and a tiger shark in the water. Then be booked it for the shore.

“That was the scariest part. I didn’t know where the shark was, and I didn’t know if he would come after me again,” he said.

McWilliams suffered a deep cut, but it was nothing that a trip to urgent care couldn’t solve. 

McWilliam’s shark bite comes only months after a black bear pummeled his skull at a Colorado summer camp. He told his story to People last summer:

McWilliams says he punched the bear in the eyes and nose as it dragged him 12 feet in about 15 seconds before finally letting go. 

I just woke up to a loud crunching sound and I remember a lot of pain, and just being drug across the ground by my head by a bear,” McWilliams tells PEOPLE. “I kind of thought it was a dream for a second, I didn’t know what was going on.”

The injury required nine staples to his skull.

McWilliams began his trifecta of animal attacks nearly four years ago. He was in Moab, Utah when a rattlesnake latched on to him. That bite left him sick for a couple days, he told the Star Advertiser

Though is list of animal attacks is already pretty long, McWilliams hinted on Instagram that he still wants to add another beast to the list. Next up: alligator.
